
#TheFitCycle —-> movies and moves. Join Andia Winslow, your host!

The Fit Cycle is a holistic philosophy and continuous effort to harmonize our bodies with our environments.  It empowers all of us to incorporate fitness anywhere, everywhere, and always. The Fit Cycle, moving at the rhythm of life!™

The Team

Long Story Short
Monique met Andia on the first day of college. Monique met Rachel on the first day of fifth grade. Monique introduced Rachel and Andia and then the circle was complete. Monique and Andia made a documentary film together in 2004. Monique continued on to Film School, Andia toured the world as a professional athlete. In 2012 they decided, “Hey, let’s make another movie!”
The Long Version
Andia Winslow (CPT, SFN), Monique Walton (MFA) and Rachel Naftel (MA) represent a team of diverse professional women who have joined forces in their passion for community betterment. From the arid desert of the Gila River Indian reservation in Arizona to the streets of East Harlem, New York, this trio draws upon their specific talents, education, experiences and unique perspectives to inspire change in the rhythm of daily lives.  The aforementioned communities have, respectively, the highest rate of Type 2 diabetes in the entire world and one of the highest rates of obesity in all of New York State.
It was this fact that first prompted Andia to make instructional fitness videos from the backyard of her Phoenix home that neighbored the Gila Community. The videos gained in popularity online as viewers from around the world found the series to be culturally unique, accessible and relevant by using minimal and odd equipment, creative moves and requiring little time to complete. Upon moving to New York City, she observed similar trends of inactivity and disenfranchisement in her new community and partnered with friends Rachel and Monique to continue the wellness series in a way that reflected the vibrancy, musicality and storied cultural history of its people.
#TheFitCycle is defined by resourcefulness. It works to inspire folks to make the most of what they have –however little, be it time, capital or possessions– to live more active and engaged lives. The Fit Cycle is a cinematic wellness endeavor that is inspired by art, music and a culture of collaboration. The Fit Cycle is moving at the rhythm of life.
©Copyright MMXIII The Fit Cycle | Andia Winslow. All Rights Reserved.